Squadron Sponsoring Committee (SSC)
What is the Squadron Sponsoring Committee and What Do They Do?
The Squadron Sponsoring Committee is comprised mostly of former cadets and parents of cadets. There are some people who are active members of the committee and who attend monthly meetings and who help oversee the many aspects of the squadron, such as the budget, financial transactions, and other administrative functions. There are also groups of parents who simply volunteer their time when we need to organize receptions and social functions.
There roles of the sponsoring committee include:
Managing the squadron's finances. The uniformed officers of the squadron are not legally allowed to manage the money that the squadron has. All funds used by the squadron are controlled by the Squadron Sponsoring Committee. They are also responsible for filing annual returns with Revenue Canada.
Public Relations - The Squadron Sponsoring Committee is responsible for contacting the media to publicize activities and to promote the squadron.
Organizing fundraising activities - The members of the committee make the arrangements for the fundraising activities that we use to raise funds.
Helping out during special activities - The members of the committee will help with various activities. For example, during our Annual Christmas Formal Dance, they run the canteen and door. They also help organize receptions after the Promotions Ceremony in October and after the Annual Ceremonial Review. We also have parents who volunteer for these tasks, but who do not necessarily attend monthly meetings.
If you would like to become a member of the Sponsoring Committee, or you would like to give your name to just help out with receptions and special activities, please contact Ms Trina Mcleary (506) 961-3725. We are looking for new members right now because several of our members who are parents will be leaving us because their children will be graduating from cadets. You do not need any special training or qualifications and you can decide how much time you can put in.