Flying Scholarship Program
Many cadets have learned the basics of aviation through our Flying Scholarship program. Those who work hard and successfully pass the qualification exams are able to apply for either a Glider Pilot Scholarship or Power Pilot Scholarship, enabling them to either receive their glider pilot's licence or privite pilot's license.
We will be offering two levels of training:
Senior Flying Scholarship Course
The Senior Flying Scholarship course will be for cadets who are old enough and who qualify to write the qualifying examination in the current training year. These cadets are between the ages of 15-18. It will be academically based and will prepare the cadets for the course qualification exam. Senior Flying Scholarship is offered on Wednesday nights normally between 1830-2030. It can be very challenging so that we ask only cadets interested in applying for a flying scholarship attend.
Junior Flying Scholarship Course
This will be open to all cadets. Junior Flying scholarship is a more "hands on" approach to aviation and includes some classroom and field trips. This course is meant to pique an interest in aviation. We normally will run a Junior Flying Course twice every training year, once in the fall and again after Christmas.