Join Us!
If you want more information on the cadet program, feel free to come visit us.
We accept new recruits anytime, throughout the year. The criteria are very simple:
You must be 12 years of age when you enroll, but not more than 18 years old.
Our regular training nights are on Mondays from 6-9 p.m. We are located at the Moncton Garrison (300 Park Street). When you drive past the gate keep coming straight and we are the last building on the left.
When new recruits and their parents first come for a visit, we will take the time to explain the program in greater detail. You will get a short tour of the facilities, then we will answer all of your questions.
The best part about the program is that it is completely FREE. There are no membership fees, no uniform costs and no annual dues. We just ask that you participate in the fundraiser activities that we do a few times in the year.
Come see what we have to offer!!
Captain Jacques Leger